This knowledge base summarizes our best knowledge on how to create good projects. Good projects are our passion. Good projects create great products, owners want to invest in them, and people want to be part of the journeys.
We work as project managers, but with a broad focus on the many different ingredients, that may be needed to create good projects. We work with many different types of projects in many different settings and industries. We are not advocating for one specific methodology or approach, but we aim at finding the appropriate approach that fits the situation, by combining our experience with different project methodologies.
Most of our projects are somehow IT-related, but we have also worked with mergers, acquisitions, outsourcing, and strategy projects.
The aim of a good projects knowledge base is to provide you with easily accessible guidance and inspiration. We have written short articles about the main project disciplines and what we call guides – articles addressing typical situations in projects.
The articles follow the same format. A short introduction to the subject, a list of suggested activities, and potential risks to be aware of.
As a further source of inspiration, we have collected a wide set of key figures collected from many different sources.
The knowledge base is continuously being developed and improved. Hope you will find it useful. If you have comments, questions or input feel free to contact us at info@obvconsulting.
OBV Consulting ApS
Skovvej 5 DK-4180 Sorø
Ole Barkou Vilstrup
+45 61 62 73 12
Good project knowledge base sets the scene for project management and provides an intro to its main disciplines. Get inspiration for project execution through action templates, risk lists, key figures and find inspirational guides on how to deal with typical challenges in projects. Read more